Monthly Archives: August 2024

Happy Tail: Rocky (formerly Chance)

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We love getting these updates, and with Rocky the very best.

"Hi! This is Betsy. My husband Justin and I adopted silver lab "Chance" last August. I just thought I would share an update since it's coming up on a year since we adopted him.

First off, we changed Chance's name to Rocky to honor our time living and working in Rocky Mountain National Park. Rocky took quickly to the new name with no problems. 

He was quite the energetic soul when we first adopted him but also such a sweetheart. He and his sister Annabella love to play and wrestle. He loves walks as well and is doing so much better at not barking at everything that moves when he is on a walk!

Unfortunately, in late December we found what turned out to be a cancerous tumor just above his paw. Rocky has been receiving IV chemo treatments since February from the awesome staff at Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center. He's responding really well to the treatments and the tumor has shrunk so it is barely there!

It was truly devastating to get this news (especially since we've lost two labs to cancer over the last four years). But I keep reminding myself that Rocky was brought into our lives for a reason. And that reason was that we were the ones who would not think twice about making sure he lives his best life for whatever time we have with him.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to bring this sweet, funny, lovable boy into our lives❤️"

Want to share your LVLR Alumni Happy Tail? Please email your story & pictures to: [email protected]